General Information 1 페이지

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Welcome to Cansat Competition Korea

General Information

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Classification Wisdom Dept. Creativity Dept.
Qualification High school students College students
Team Organization* One guidance teacher and two to three team members (students) Two to three team members (students)
※ For Wisdom Dept., each team must include one guidance teacher.
※ Teams may be organized with students from different schools
- Registration of application forms - Common
- Primary evaluation (documents) - Common
- Online learning of educational materials - Common
- Experience Camp - Experience Dept.
- Secondary evaluation (presentation) - Wisdom and Creativity Depts.
- Preliminary education - Wisdom Dept.
- Main competition - Wisdom and Creativity Depts.
- Final presentation - Wisdom and Creativity Depts.

(1) Online education
Educational materials are provided on the Competition’s homepage for different levels of each department to help participants learn by themselves the knowledge required to make CanSats. (This includes introduction to satellites, how to make a CanSat, introduction to international CanSat competitions, principles and applications of microprocessors, interface and methods for mission expansion, protocols for transmission and receipt, block diagrams for CanSats, etc.)
(2) Preliminary education
Preliminary education is provided only to the teams (including guidance teachers) selected for secondary evaluation in the Wisdom Dept. (free of charge)
(3) Competition
Participants compete in the main competition with their CanSats (prizes given to outstanding teams)
- Purpose : Training Wisdom Department participants for CanSat mission expansion
- Eligibility : Teams and their guidance teachers for secondary evaluation in the Wisdom Department
- Venue : KAIST
- Details
Time Specific Programs
Morning Registration, welcoming remarks, greetings from team mentors
- Introduction to CanSats and to requirements for CanSat main competition
- Visits to space development sites (KAIST)
Lunch Lunch break
Afternoon Lectures by previous competition winners
Practice for mission expansion (labs)
- Lectures on applications for mission expansion
- Practice of mission expansion
- Q&A sessions for problem-solving
Closing Closing

※ The specific programs for preliminary education above are subject to change.

- Eligibility : Teams that pass the secondary evaluation in Wisdom and Creativity Depts
- Details
Time Specific Programs Note
Morning Registration of participants
Opening remarks, congratulatory remarks, commemorating address, schedule notice
Explanation and competition for Wisdom Dept. Rocket launching
Lunch Lunch break
Afternoon Explanation and competition for Creativity Dept. Rocket launching
CanSat demonstration by staff members based on the rocket launching method Rocket launching
Closing Closing remarks

※ The specific programs for preliminary education above are subject to change.

Address : KAIST Satellite Technology Research Chenter (291, Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Republic of Korea)
Fax.+82-42-861-0064 E-mail :