Regulations 1 페이지

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(1) Team organization - High school students and college students are invited for participation, and each team, in principle, must participate under the instruction of guidance .
- In each Department, participant teams may be organized with students from different schools.

(2) CanSat basic kits (goods)/development expenses (cash) - Wisdom Dept. : Teams selected after the primary evaluation are provided, free of charge, with CanSat basic kits (at the competition). Teams selected after the secondary evaluation are provided with expenses for realizing the expanded mission, in addition to CanSat basic kits
- Creativity Dept. : Teams selected after the primary evaluation are provided with expenses to realize the expanded mission, and up to 20 percent of the entire expenses, to cover development expenses for realizing the creativity mission. Teams selected after the secondary evaluation are additionally provided with expenses for realizing the creativity mission, not to exceed 80 percent of the entire expenses
- Expenses for realizing the expanded mission and creativity mission are provided after the development process is completed, and upon totaling of the expenses incurred in purchasing necessary parts. (Copies of tax invoice or receipt required)

(3) Obligations of teams receiving basic kits (goods)/development expenses (cash) - Teams provided with basic kits (goods) or development expenses (for realizing expanded mission or creativity mission) must participate in the competition, or otherwise must return the goods or cash provided. However, if any team is unable to participate in the competition due to extenuating circumstances such as damage to their products, the team must submit evidence to the evaluation committee and obtain approval.
- Teams that claim development expenses must submit tax invoices or receipts (copy) together with the consent form filled out by guidance teacher/professor, using the determined forms.

(4) CanSat education support - Common : All teams selected after the primary evaluation are provided with online education via the competition homepage so that they can learn by themselves the knowledge required to make CanSats. (This includes introduction to satellites, how to make CanSat, introduction to international CanSat competitions, principles and application of microprocessors, interface and methods for mission expansion, protocols for transmission and receipt, block diagrams for CanSats, etc.)
- Wisdom Dept. : Teams selected after the secondary evaluation are invited to participate in one-day preliminary education, free of charge, and are provided with education for production practice to realize the expanded mission, in addition to CanSat basic kits.

(5) Ceilings of expenses for developing and making CanSats - Expenses for developing and making CanSats must not exceed the ceilings for basic kits, expenses for realizing the expanded mission (Wisdom Dept.), or expenses for realizing the creativity mission (Creativity Dept.). Therefore, the ceilings of expenses are determined for CanSat production, and all participant teams must realize their CanSat mission within the scope of basic kits or development expenses provided
- Creativity Dept. : One million won (expenses for realizing creativity mission)
- Wisdom Dept. : CanSat basic kits (provided at the competition) and 300,000 won (expenses for realizing expanded mission)

(6) Requirements (limitations) for CanSats - The minimum requirements must be fulfilled for the purpose of realizing the creative mission.
- The CanSat assemblies for the Wisdom and Creativity Departments must meet the requirements regarding volume, weight, and installation so that they can be installed in the inside space of the rockets to be launched. In addition, the structures must be designed in a manner that will not to cause any mechanical interruptions in the course of rocket launching, by preventing any protruding parts from affecting mission realization.

Experience Dept. Wisdom Dept. Creativity Dept.
Parachute Basic kits to be used. Basic kits to be used.
May be made by participants.
To be made by participants.
CanSat parts Cylinder with 83mm in diameter and 115mm in height To fit the inside space of rockets to be launched**
Volume limits for CanSat and parachute assemblies* 240x170x150mm3 To fit the inside space of rockets to be launched**
Weight limits for CanSat and parachute assemblies 650g 800g 1000g
Launching method Multicopter-based Rocket launching Rocket launching
Expected height 150 ~ 200m 250m 350m
Maximum acceleration designed N/A 30g 50g

* Volume limits for CanSat and parachute assemblies : Since CanSats and parachute assemblies are installed within the rocket to be launched, the assemblies must fit the inside space of the rocket. In particular, parachutes must be designed to fit the rocket’s inside space when folded.
** Inside space of rockets to be launched : Cylinder-shaped space (diameter < 110mm, height < 200mm)

- CanSat weight : Total weight of CanSat including parachute
                               (Wisdom Dept. < 800 gram, Creativity Dept. < 1,000 gram)
- Parachute size : No restriction.
- Volume of folded parachute : Parachutes made by participants must not cause mechanical interruptions regarding the inside space of the rocket, and the CanSat and rocket assemblies must fit the inside space of the rocket.
- Method of connecting CanSat and parachute : No restriction.
- Conditions for CanSat storage : In principle, electronic circuits must be built in the inside of the can (container), but if necessary electronic parts are allowed to be exposed, fixed, or attached to the outside of the can. However, there must be no mechanical interruptions regarding the rocket’s inside space.
- Directions for installing CanSat to rocket : The parachute must be placed first, followed by the CanSat.    - Size of the can (container) provided to the Wisdom Department :Diameter < 83 mm and height < 115 mm. (A can with a diameter of 83 mm and height of 87 mm is planned to be provided at the competition. The walls of the can provided at the competition are made of transparent plastic, and the upper and bottom disks are detachable, making it convenient to make a CanSat.)

(7) CanSat rocket (Wisdom and Creativity Departments) - The CanSat Competition uses launching rockets.
- Launching rockets are provided at the competition.

(8) Regulations for unfolding parachute - Upon rocket launch, parachutes must be unfolded immediately. Failure of parachutes to unfold or incomplete unfolding due to breakage of connection lines might cause risks from the free fall of CanSats from a high altitude. Any team that fails to unfold the parachute might be disqualified.

(9) Regulations for realizing CanSat functions - Power systems : Must be equipped with batteries that supply power necessary for CanSat operation.
- Telecommunication systems : Must be equipped with wireless data telecommunication function between the CanSat and ground station, but there are no particular limitations for telecommunication protocol.
- Structural systems : Must be able to protect CanSat electronic parts, without structural damage, against the weight loaded onto the CanSat during the course from detachment to ground landing.
- Command and data processing systems : Must collect physical quantities or images measured during the CanSat’s fall and remotely send such information to the ground station.
- Ground stations : Must receive position data (rotation angles) of the CanSat at different altitudes, location data (GPS data), and data of at least one payload (e.g. image data obtained on the ground). (Minimum requirements for mission)
- Any team that fails to achieve telecommunications between the CanSat and ground station might be disqualified.

(1) Wisdom Department - Participants are encouraged to use the basic functions provided by the CanSat basic kits in carrying out their mission regarding measuring rotation angles, GPS data, and illumination and obtaining ground images.
- In the Wisdom Department, participants fulfill their expanded mission at the competition by realizing additional functions together with the functions provided by the CanSat basic kits. There are no limitations except for CanSat specifications (size, weight, volume) and production expenses, and participating teams have the liberty to plan the topics for the expanded mission.

(2) Creativity Department - In the Creativity Department, participants do not use the basic kits and instead utilize a CanSat made at their discretion. There are no limitations regarding CanSat production except for CanSat specifications (size, weight, volume) and production expenses, and in particular no limitations exist for telecommunication frequencies, sensor organization, and payload organization.
- Participating teams realize a creativity mission planned by themselves, including CanSat launching, detachment, parachute unfolding, CanSat flight, and CanSat fall.

(1) Evaluation and selection process for each department - At the primary and secondary evaluations, only candidates for each stage are selected.
- Outstanding teams are selected and rewarded at the competition and final presentation.
- Wisdom Department    ※ Primary evaluation
Applicants are required to suggest a mission by describing team organization and roles, motives for participation, suggestions for the CanSat utilization mission, mission goals, development methods, methods of analyzing and utilizing observed data, and methods of publicizing performances. Based on the evaluation (document examination) of the suggestions in the application forms, teams eligible for secondary evaluation are selected.
※ Secondary evaluation (evaluation of presentation of entries made with basic kits and concepts of expanded mission)
The selected teams learn how to make CanSats through online education and submit their CanSat entries, made with the basic kits provided. Together with a presentation of details regarding production using the basic kits, participants make a presentation of the concept design for the expanded mission they intend to realize in addition to the basic kits.
① Submission of production using basic kits and presentation of production details
② Presentation of concepts of the expanded mission (including idea suggestion, realization method design, production costs, financing method, etc.) Based on the evaluation results, the selection committee will select teams to participate in the competition.
※ Competition evaluation and final presentation
The contenders carry out their expanded mission with their CanSat entries, engage in comprehensive analysis and compilation of outcomes by receiving observation data, and present final results. Outstanding teams are selected based on the comprehensive evaluation of the competition and final presentation.

- Creativity Department    ※ Primary evaluation
Applicants are required to suggest a mission by describing team organization and roles, motives for participation, suggestions for CanSat utilization mission, mission goals, development methods, methods of analyzing and utilizing observed data, and methods of publicizing performances. Based on the evaluation (document examination) of the suggestions in the application forms, teams eligible for secondary evaluation are selected
※ Secondary evaluation (evaluation of presentation of detailed designs)
The selected teams learn how to make CanSats, block diagrams for CanSat functions, and transmission protocols through online education, and make a presentation of the concept design, detailed design drafts, production cost calculation, and financial plans regarding CanSat creation mission, by realizing entirely original ideas
① Presentation of concept design for the creativity mission
② Presentation of detailed design details and development plans for the creativity mission
③ Calculation of production cost and presentation of financial plans
Based on the evaluation results, the selection committee will select teams to participate in the competition.
※ Competition evaluation and final presentation
The contenders carry out their expanded mission with their CanSat entries, engage in comprehensive analysis and compilation of outcomes by receiving observation data, and present final results. Outstanding teams are selected based on the comprehensive evaluation of the competition and final presentation.

(2) Detailed evaluation criteria by department    - Wisdom Department

Examination Evaluation items Details Weight
Primary document evaluation Mission suggestion Suitability of team organization/roles, creativity of mission goals suggested, excellence of development methods and plans, methods of utilizing data observed, methods of publicizing performance 100%
Secondary presentation evaluation Basic kits Excellence of entries produced with basic kits 30%
Idea Creativity of ideas of expanded mission 40%
Presentation skills Understanding, presentation skills, communication skills 30%
Competition and final presentation Technical ability Completeness of entries, success/failure of expanded mission 50%
Achievement Teamwork, sincerity 30%
Final presentation Analysis ability, presentation skills 20%

   - Creativity Department

Examination Evaluation items Details Weight
Primary document evaluation Mission suggestion Suitability of team organization/roles, creativity of mission goals suggested, excellence of development methods and plans, methods of utilizing data observed, methods of publicizing performance 100%
Secondary presentation evaluation of detailed designs Mission design Excellence of concept design drafts for creativity mission 30%
Development plans Excellence of detailed design drafts for development plans 40%
Presentation skills Understanding, presentation skills, communication skills 30%
Competition and final presentation Technical ability Completeness of entries, success/failure of expanded mission 50%
Achievement Teamwork, sincerity 30%
Final presentation Analysis ability, presentation skills 20%

Address : KAIST Satellite Technology Research Chenter (291, Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Republic of Korea)
Fax.+82-42-861-0064 E-mail :